

Seeking collaboration to explore, create, or execute innovative ideas in pursuit of liberation.

When living with ADHD, the path between intention and action is never a straight line. I'm here to help you navigate the demands and standards of a neurotypical society and carve out your pathway to thrive.


I am dedicated to supporting individuals and organizations striving for racial justice, liberation, and self-determination. Over the past 25 years, I have gained experience as a community organizer, non-profit executive director, funder, and organizational development coach and consultant.

As a neurodivergent woman who was undiagnosed until well into adulthood, I understand what it feels like to be judged and excluded via invisible barriers.  Through this experience, I developed empathy to hear other stories of exclusion, which opened my eyes to recognize racism and the failure of our systems to provide opportunities for all people and communities to thrive. I am also a person who is privileged in a variety of ways: white, middle-class, and cis-gender, among others. I carry both experiences of exclusion and privilege into the work that I do to help recognize, name and address systemic racism and exclusion. 

We have the ability to create cultures, organizations, and systems that promote equity and enable liberation and self-actualization. To accomplish this, we must identify and dismantle the power structures, narratives, and policies that hinder our progress and construct new, more inclusive ones. My role involves assisting change-making organizations and individuals by offering coaching for self-awareness that fosters liberation and empathy, strengthening and decolonizing organizational cultures, providing support during times of transition and crisis, and facilitating collaboration to encourage the emergence of innovative, inclusive, and strategic ideas.

I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Interpersonal Communication and a Master’s degree in Theology. I am certified as a Professional Coach through Leadership that Works and as a coach for neurodivergent people through JST Coaching & Training. 

My Clients

My practice aligns with organizations and people that are committed to justice and working to build power in new and innovative ways. My home base is in Southern California, particularly the Inland Empire and Orange County.

Do you or your organization share these value-based commitments?

  • Shifting and redistributing power to achieve balanced leadership that reflects our communities

  • Advocating for freedom, space, and resources for everyone to rest, pursue joy, and thrive

  • Affirming and prioritizing the humanity of staff, clients, and leadership

  • Engaging deeply with those who are disenfranchised, leading to participation, shared decision-making, and inclusive power

  • Embracing and celebrating diverse personalities, cultures, identities, and experiences

Let's create together

Let's create together