Consulting &

Executive Coaching 

I specialize in facilitation, innovative collaboration, strategic planning,  and executive coaching. My non-profit expertise lies in civic participation, community organizing, advocacy, and community engagement.

 I prioritize designing and developing a unique, iterative process instead of using an excessively structured approach with one-size-fits-all tools. This includes creating safe spaces for open dialogue, actively seeking diverse perspectives, and implementing feedback mechanisms that ensure everyone's voice is heard. I practice acknowledgement of my own whiteness and privilege and I believe in the impact of systemic racism. My aim is to create a safe space for my clients to explore their identities and the impacts of systemic oppression in their lives and communities.  

Our work together will:

  • Start with and remain grounded in your values and vision

  • Ask strategic questions and trust participants to arrive at their own conclusions 

  • Embrace diversity in culture, identity, personality, exposure to trauma, learning style

  • Emphasize building relationships and trust as essential to any collaborative process

  • Prioritize personal health and boundaries in practical ways that lead toward long-term sustainability

  • Clarify roles and project outcomes, providing a sense of security and confidence in the process and its results

  • Integrate an awareness and intentionality around power dynamics

The work that I have been most proud of includes projects where I partnered with organizations that are pushing boundaries and changing power dynamics. Together, we have innovated powerful new collaborative models, conducted strategic planning and political analysis, and strengthened team communication and culture. Additionally, I have enjoyed supporting young progressive leaders as they stepped into executive roles for the first time and providing coaching for change-makers with ADHD. 

Past Project & Client Highlights

Strategic Planning

  • Orange County Grantmakers

  • Starting Over, Inc.


Transition Planning & Coaching

  • IE United

  • Arts Connection

  • Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice

Collaborative Development & Project Management

  • Inland Empowerment

  • CensusIE

Retreat Planning and Facilitation

  • Santa Ana Building Healthy Communities

  • IE United

  • Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Collective

Executive and Staff Coaching


  • San Francisco Rising

  • Power Switch Action

  • Northern California Land Trust